Creating an Economy of Care

This aspect of Freeheart Ranch™ stems from my desire to draw attention to our potential for a new economic structure based on authentically inspired giving and receiving and the socioeconomic valuation of care (for ourselves, others and our planet) and put it into practice. My intention is to encourage us all to creatively exercise what each of us is here to give through our Unique Individual and Inborn Genius. The path of doing so is a Hero's Journey!
In June 2011, I was moved to write the following:
For months, I had Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I have a dream..." speech coming vaguely to my mind. Finally, I looked it up because I sensed that his words would be supportive of my desire to see the value of care and caregivers expressed through material abundance in human culture and that I could stand on his verbal shoulders.
I did an improvisation off his words: "...And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. … I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of (the) creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'..."
…and came up with:
I have a dream that one day all people will enjoy abundant resources so that, for example, a mother, a teacher, a Hospice nurse, a son caring for his elderly parents, the owner of a multinational corporation, a movie mogul and an independent farmer all have equal access to Life’s bounty.
I have a dream that one day work and service according to each individual human being's natural, Life-given inclinations can be freely offered, without a concern for 'earning' direct compensation that we have seen result in overworking and without the financial pressure that we have seen result in uninspired and even harmful endeavors.
I have a dream that each individual's physical needs will one day be fulfilled through cooperative and kind relationships and an easy flow of material resources through those relationships.
I have a dream that one day this current of plentiful resources and services is freely flowing within a world-wide Field of Trust and Support to an extent to make financial institutions irrelevant except for the fun of them.
I have a dream that my loving, precious, differently-abled son will one day live in a world in which all persons experience care and abundant resources not based upon a level of output or productivity as judged by external standards but because of their undeniable humanity and unique value and because we all understand our interconnected well-being.
I have a dream today!!
MLK Jr's words: "From every mountainside, let freedom ring! Free at last! Free at last! Great God Almighty, We Are Free At Last!"
- Sarah Wyckoff
In June 2011, I was moved to write the following:
For months, I had Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I have a dream..." speech coming vaguely to my mind. Finally, I looked it up because I sensed that his words would be supportive of my desire to see the value of care and caregivers expressed through material abundance in human culture and that I could stand on his verbal shoulders.
I did an improvisation off his words: "...And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. … I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of (the) creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'..."
…and came up with:
I have a dream that one day all people will enjoy abundant resources so that, for example, a mother, a teacher, a Hospice nurse, a son caring for his elderly parents, the owner of a multinational corporation, a movie mogul and an independent farmer all have equal access to Life’s bounty.
I have a dream that one day work and service according to each individual human being's natural, Life-given inclinations can be freely offered, without a concern for 'earning' direct compensation that we have seen result in overworking and without the financial pressure that we have seen result in uninspired and even harmful endeavors.
I have a dream that each individual's physical needs will one day be fulfilled through cooperative and kind relationships and an easy flow of material resources through those relationships.
I have a dream that one day this current of plentiful resources and services is freely flowing within a world-wide Field of Trust and Support to an extent to make financial institutions irrelevant except for the fun of them.
I have a dream that my loving, precious, differently-abled son will one day live in a world in which all persons experience care and abundant resources not based upon a level of output or productivity as judged by external standards but because of their undeniable humanity and unique value and because we all understand our interconnected well-being.
I have a dream today!!
MLK Jr's words: "From every mountainside, let freedom ring! Free at last! Free at last! Great God Almighty, We Are Free At Last!"
- Sarah Wyckoff