What does success mean to me?
Does writing a blog post honestly matter to me right now?!
I decided a while ago that I’m not here on this planet, in the skin I’m wearing so that I can figure out how to live according to how others do or have or based upon some external standard about what is good or best or successful. I’m here to have my own experience, the experience that feels right to me and I can only do that when I measure my success, whatever the ‘success’ is, good it feels to me. Am I honestly feeling happy, satisfied, enthusiastic, pleased, peaceful, radiant, etc… while engaging in it? Does it really matter? …to ME! Is what I’m doing coming from an inner inspiration that is founded in the deepest, most expansive part of me? The happy, joyful part.
At this very moment, I am laying on a four-post bed made of thick bamboo posts in a room with white curtains billowing in the breeze coming off the Pacific that spans to the horizon to the south and I can see the outline of the mountains of Costa Rica to the east. I was lying in bed after another glorious sunrise over those mountains when in the not-so verbal rising into the day of my consciousness, there was, “write a blog post!” accompanied by a sense of delight!
This blog is a microcosm of my way of living and at this moment of delight is an opportunity to express the idea, choice, modus operandi, whatever you’d like to call it, of Success = Joy that I’ve found to be my basic equation. And joy happens when I’m engaging in what I value, that which is intrinsically inspired, what feels good and right to me. That’s my M.O. so that’s my B.O., my bloggus operandi. (Yep, my life is fully scented with it!) Writing a blog post, or doing anything else, simply because it feels joyful to do so is an entirely different experience than writing it because I think I have to in order to be successful. In the first instance, I am happy; in the second, I’m trying to fit, be pleasing, do what I’m supposed to in order to get to happy. Well, fit what? Please what? According to whom? I’d rather be happy than be something else that honestly isn’t quite happy trying to become happy.
It’s funny to me that I’m here by myself in this remote house overlooking the beautiful Costa Rican Pacific with the intention of not only exploring and enjoying this place but also having time and space to clarify what really matters to me, right now and as I go forward, and here I am inspired to write in this blog. I’m inspired because one thing that is clear, again, is that I like inspiring others to make themselves happy, do what matters to them, uniquely and individually. I am a natural and talented Uplifter of Persons; it is my main art medium: it’s something I enjoy enormously. I’ve loosened my ideas about what uplifting others means I specifically do and am enjoying the space and time to be, nonspecifically, and allow the next specifics to emerge from joyful inspiration. It’s looking like I like to write sometimes!
Getting to this time and space has been a loopy path with numerous pit stops while I gathered together more experience to prove to myself, on deeper and deeper levels, that there is nothing that I must do there is only what I want to do, what feels good and right to me. Given the choice (and we all have it all the time, we just often don’t believe it!), might as well have the experience that matters to me, regardless of how it might look from the outside. And as it turns out, clearing the way to put myself in the center this way has elicited spontaneous reports that others are greatly inspired by me when I have been paying absolutely no attention to doing so. And here I am now, moved by my own inner spaciousness to write this as an encouragement to you. It feels good to me to take a stand for Happiness! Your Happiness.
So no matter what you’re up to, I ask you: does it honestly matter to You? If it doesn’t, I encourage you to step out of it, one way or another as long as the steps themselves feel progressively toward good; this is Your life to have the experience that is right and joyful for You. If it matters but you’re not enjoying it, find a way to re-connect to your happiness, even if it means to disengage for a while. Your impact is far more beneficial and grand when your actions are joyfully inspired and, anyway, being happy now is the way to being happy later. If it does matter and you’re already enjoying it, YAY! Success! …or as it is said in Spanish, “Éxito!” and that seems like a fine way to end.