Shifting one's own response to or interpretation of something toward what is more Life-affirming, more deeply true, even if only slightly, can be life-changing and is essential in the path of personal evolution. Every single one of us humans takes on interpretations of or beliefs about ourselves others and the world as we develop and these beliefs determine our behavior and responses to people and events. The way we behave creates our life experience and the world we live in (aka 'our thoughts create our world'). My previous response to blogging was preventing some people from finding or connecting with me and my work. Shifting my response has opened up an extended field of possibility that I like because I'd like more people who are ready for my partnership in service of their personal evolution to find me!
Whether small or huge, such shifts, when done with intention and consciousness, enable us to create the future we'd like to cause and the life experience we most desire. Sometimes a 'Just Do It' approach is enough to cause a shift and other times support and partnership are necessary to navigate into a new, inner territory to find the ground for our fullest potential to emerge.
We've been acculturated to muscle through life using the 'Just Do It' approach that has been predominant and applauded and yet many of us are finding ourselves unsatisfied with our individual experiences and the conditions of our world in general as we have created them via hypermasculinated, muscling means. It is increasingly being noted that we need to now help each other, be partnered, interdependent and more related in order to evolve individually and collectively toward an ever more satisfying experience. We need to bring forward more feminine ways of creating in the world for better balance and greater well-being for everybody.
I'm delighted to have received encouragement from others and listened to my own inner nudges to engage in a new response to blogging beginning with this entry. Whether it's the 'Just Do It' variety of shift, an assisted deep evolution of self, simply feeling appreciation for what is or a combination of them all (I highly recommend the combo), I encourage you to choose consciously and revel!
With a free and warm heart,